Institute of East and West Studies • Yonsei University


한-독 국제학술회의 개최
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  • 2010-09-29 14:49:15

Korean-German International Conference

German Unification and EU, and Its Implication for the Korean Peninsula


연세대학교 동서문제연구원은 연세-SERI EU센터 공동주관으로독일 통일과 유럽연합, 그리고 한반도에의 함의” (German Unification and EU, and Its Implication for the Korean Peninsula)라는 주제로 국제학술회의를 개최합니다.


일시: 2010 10 5() 09:00 – 19:00

: 신라호텔 마로니에홀


Session 1:  “German Unification and the Transformation of Economic System” (10:00-12:00)

 Prof. Dr. Werner Gumpel (University of Munich, Munich School of Political Science)

   "The Transformation of the East German Economy: In View of its Over-all Economic Effects"

 Dr. Deuk-Ryong Yoon (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy)

   "Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation and the Peace in the Korean peninsula"

Session 2:  “German Unification and EU” (13:30-16:00)

 Prof. Dr. Peter Cornelius Mayer-Tasch (University of Munich, Munich School of Political Science)

   "The Sociological and Psychological Implications and Consequences of the German Reunification"

 Prof. Dr. Wulfdiether Zippel (Technical University Munich, Munich School of Political Science)

   "German Economic Re-Unification within the EC Framework"

 Prof. Dr. Sangtu Ko (Yonsei University)

   "German EU Policy after Unification"

Session 3:  “German Unification and the Korean Peninsula” (16:30-19:00)

 Dr. Harald Bergbauer (University of Armed Forces Munich, Munich School of Political Science)

   "German Unification in the Light of the Transformation Process of the Political Systems of the two States"

 Dr. Andreas Wilhelm (University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Munich School of Political Science)

  "The German Reunification from an international-political Perspective"

 Dr. Kay Soon Chang (Yonsei University)

  "Interest, institutions and Korean Unification Policy: Incomplete, Unintended Consequences of Sunshine Policy"

이전글 국제환경전문가(IEETP)양성과정 국제기구인턴파견 대상자 발표
다음글 제3회 하바드-옌칭 컨퍼런스
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