Institute of East and West Studies • Yonsei University


제1회 한-노르딕 국제학술회의.
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  • 2010-12-14 16:43:35

제1회 한-노르딕 국제학술회의.

일시 : 2010년 12월 16일 목요일

시간 : 10:00~19:00

장소 : 연세대학교 연희관 106호


The 1st Korea-Nordic Conference

Mapping the Two Corners of EurAsia in Comparative Ideas, Society and Politics


Venue: Executive Seminar Room (#106),Yonhee Hall

Date: December 16, 2010


Organized by

Nordic Research Program of the Institute of East-West Studies at Yonsei University


Sponsored by

The Nordic Research Council NordForsk

Brain Korea-21 Rediscovering Political Science for Asia at the Department of Political Science

East Asia Foundation

Yonsei-SERI EU Center

The Academy of Korean Studies

National Research Foundation of Korea

December 16

09:40 - 10:00: Registration

10:00 - 10:30: Opening Ceremony


Moderator: Jong Kun Choi, Yonsei University

Opening Remark: Young-Ryeol Park, Director of IEWS

                             Geir Helgesen, Director of NIAS.


10:30 - 12:10: Session 1. Nordic and Northeast Asian Value, Culture and Models


Moderator: Geir Helgesen


Duality or Polarity: Modes of Thought in East and West

Bent Nielsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Rhetorics of Nordic Democracy – Region-building and model-building through a mobilising concept 

Johan Strang, University of Helsinki, Finland


Asia: Homogeneous Nation States in the Tide of Globalization

                      Jung Min Seo, Yonsei University, Korea


New Dmands – Obsolete Values? Global Challenges to National Education

Geir Sigurðsson, University of Iceland, Iceland


Multicultural Reality in East Asia

Byoungha Lee, Yonsei University, Korea


 12:10 - 1:10: Working Lunch (Hosted by the Department of Political Science and International Studies).


01:10-03:10 Session 2. Civic Participation and Welfare in Nordic and Northeast Asian Regions


Moderator: Chung-in Moon


Labor, Welfare and the Financial Crisis. - Comparing the Nordic and Korean Models

Johannes Dragsbæk Smith, Aalborg University, Denmark


Governance, Civic Participation and Policy Performance in Korea

Yonho Lee, Yonsei University, Korea


The Nordic and East Asian Welfare Models: On Converging Paths

Stein Kuhnle, University of Bergen, Norway


Scandinavian Welfare Regime in the Current Crisis: Reform or Retrenchment?

Peter Abrahamson, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


EU's Lisbon Strategy and the Nordic Model: Reforms for Welfare and Competitiveness

                      Inchoon Kim, Yonsei University, Korea


03:10-03:30 COFFEE BREAK


03:30-5:20 Session 3. Clashing Values, Engagement and Reconciliation in the Two Corners


Moderator: Ki Jung Kim


Human Rights and ‘Values in Asia’: Reflections on East-West Dialogues

Daniel A. Bell, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


                    European Union as a Normative Power?

Jin Woo Choi, Hanyang University and President of Korean Society of Contemporary European Studies


Aiming for Results: Preconditions for a Constructive Dialogue with North Korea

Geir Helgesen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Pyongyang's Production of (North) Korean-ness: A Poststructuralist Interpretation

Young-Chul Cho, Yonsei University, Korea


Sunshine Over a Barren Soil: Domestic Politics of Engagement-Identity Formation in South Korea.

Jong Kun Choi, Yonsei University, Korea


5:20-5:30 BREAK


05:30-06:40 Special Session. Evaluating Nordic Presence in the Korean Peninsula


Moderator: Geir Helgesen and Ki Jung Kim


Mr. Pekka Wuoristo, Ambassador of Finland to Korea

Mr. Lars Vargö, Ambassador of Sweden to Korea

Ms. Else Kveinen, First Secretary, Embassy of Norway to Korea


All Participants


07:00-09:00 Dinner at Allen Hall, Yonsei University.

(*All Participants and Friends of IEWS, NIAS and Nordic Diplomats, Hosted by Yonsei-SERI EU Center)

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