Institute of East and West Studies • Yonsei University

East and West Studies

East and West Studies Vol. 27, No. 3 2015
연세대학교 동서문제연구원
15 persons
ISSN 1225-8814 Date 2015-09-20
Pages 211 Read 4046
Writer 관리자 Regdate 2015-10-05


Fall 2015 l Vol. 27, No. 3

[Kim, Hyeonjun·Seo, Jungmin] A study on the Rise of the Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe(CEE): Focusing on the Case in Hungary

[Renee B. Kim·Na Kyeong Lee·Ni Eun Song] Assessment of Stakeholders' Attitude & Perception towards GM Foods in South Korea: Implications for Differentiated Risk Communication & Media Management

[Sangjoon Ka] Analyses on the result of the 2014 Local Election: Focus on straight-ticket voters

[Jung, Sarang·Kim, Youngwan·Choi, Ajin] Democratic Governance in Newly Democratized States: Focusing on Political Corruption and Electoral Violence

[Doyoung Eom·Dong-hyu Kim·Heejin Lee] Standardization Policy of the EU and its Implications for FTA: A Comparative Analysis of Korea-EU FTA and Korea-US FTA

[Yu, Gwangho·Lew, Seok-Choon] Chung Ju-Yung's Training of Skilled Workers and the Coming of Middle-class Korea: Focused on Hyundai Heavy Industries

[Chun, Bok-Hee] A Study of development and characteristic of women's movement in East Germany since 1989


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