본 연구원의 제 12대 원장을 역임하신 박영렬 교수님의 신간 서적으로 2011년에 개최된 한-독 과학자들간의 회의 결과이다. 최근 업데이트된 한-독의 정치, 경제 상황을 분석한 내용들이 실려있고, 더욱이 두 나라들간의 관계 그리고 나아가 아시아인과 유럽인의 환경 관계를 분석한 내용이 실려있다.
This volume is the outcome of a conference of Korean and German scientists held in 2011. The articles, updated in 2012, analyze the political and economic situation of Korea and Germany, as well as the relations between the two countries and their Asian and European environments. The book first tackles the "Modes of Cooperation between Countries in East Asia." It then analyzes the "Economic Cooperation across Continents" and, as well, focuses on the "Energy Policy in East and West in the 21st Century." Finally, the book looks at the issue of the transformation of "Science and Scientific Institutions" in the wake of the German unification. The commonalities between Korea and Germany with respect to history (division and attainment of unification in Germany or pursuit of unification in the case of Korea) and the outstanding economic positions of both countries make the comparison especially worth reading.
This volume is the outcome of a conference of Korean and German scientists held in 2011. The articles, updated in 2012, analyze the political and economic situation of Korea and Germany, as well as the relations between the two countries and their Asian and European environments. The book first tackles the "Modes of Cooperation between Countries in East Asia." It then analyzes the "Economic Cooperation across Continents" and, as well, focuses on the "Energy Policy in East and West in the 21st Century." Finally, the book looks at the issue of the transformation of "Science and Scientific Institutions" in the wake of the German unification. The commonalities between Korea and Germany with respect to history (division and attainment of unification in Germany or pursuit of unification in the case of Korea) and the outstanding economic positions of both countries make the comparison especially worth reading.