Institute of East and West Studies • Yonsei University

Global Economic Review


GER, The international scholarly journal of the Institute of East and West Studies at Yonsei University, publishes scholarly economic research, both theoretical and empirical, on issues of vital concern to businesses, governments, and decision makers in Asia and the world. Particular focus is given to policy oriented research that highlights the dynamics of Korean and East Asian economies and industries. The journal's coverage includes the following subject areas: international trade and finance, comparative economic and industrial studies of emerging markets, issues of corporate, public and global governance, and other economic and business-related issues in Korea and East Asia.

It is a peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly (in March, June, September and December), by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RN, United Kingdom.

It is a peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly (in March, June, September and December), by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RN, United Kingdom.

Please visit the website at for the Journal Details.

Related article GER 교내 최초로 SSCI 등재

Title Article Page
Vol.48, No.4 (2019) Reconciling Output and Unemployment Fiscal Multipliers 378-395
Vol.48, No.4 (2019) Household’s Happiness and Financial Market Participation 396-418
Vol.48, No.4 (2019) Board Gender Diversity, Investor Protection, and Private Information-Based Trading 419-439
Vol.48, No.4 (2019) Skill Accumulation in the Search Unemployment Model 440-462
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) Integrating Alternative Data (Also Known as ESG Data) in Investment Decision Making 237-260
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) New Revolution in Fund Management: ETF/Index Design by Machines 261-272
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) The Role of Innovation in Upgrading in Global Value Chains 273-283
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) Foreign Ownership and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Korea 284-302
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) Does Foreign Direct Investment Matter to Domestic Entrepreneurship? The Mediating Role of Strategic ... 303-319
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) Technological Progress and Youth Employment in South Korea 320-333
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) R&D Spillovers for Public R&D Productivity 334-349
Vol.48, No.3 (2019) Financing Technological Innovation: Evidence from Patent-Intensive Firms 350-362
Vol.48, No.2 (2019) How Do Firms in the Private Sector Perceive Constraints to Doing Business in China? 113-143
Vol.48, No.2 (2019) Occupational Composition Within Multinational Firms: Evidence From Korean Employer-Employee Matched ... 144-160
Vol.48, No.2 (2019) The Role of Trade Negotiating Objectives in TPA-2015 Voting 161-179
Vol.48, No.2 (2019) Debt Financing and the Failure of Innovation Companies: The Application of the CHS Model in U.S. Sto... 180-212
Vol.48, No.2 (2019) Crossing Borders: Foreign Investment and Sentiment in Korea 213-236
Vol.48, No.1 (2019) Impacts of Ownership Balance and Nonexecutive Directors on Bank Performance and Risk Taking: Evidenc... 1-24
Vol.48, No.1 (2019) The Relationship Between Price Stability and Financial Stability: Evidence From Major Emerging Econo... 25-45
Vol.48, No.1 (2019) Seeking a Better Portfolio with Industry Recommendations* 46-62
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