Institute of East and West Studies • Yonsei University

East and West Studies

East and West Studies Vol. 27, No. 2 2015
연세대학교 동서문제연구원
23 persons
ISSN Date 2015-06-20
Pages 469 Read 4916
Writer 관리자 Regdate 2015-08-12


Summer 2015 l Vol. 27, No. 2 

[Special Issue]

•[Hyun Soo KIM] Analysis and Evaluation on the Law of the Sea and its Domestic Reserch Trend

•[Park, Young Kil] Recent Research Trends on the Law of the Sea

•[Hyun Jung KIM] Challenges and Solutions in the Use of Marine Resources and the Protection of Marine Environment: With Analysis of the Overseas Research (from 2013 to the first half of 2014)

•[Koo, Min-gyo] A Study on the Maritime Policy Research in 2013-2014: Maritime Piracy, Maritime Terrorism, Search and Rescue at Sea, and Boat Migrants and Refugees

•[Ki-Joo KIM] An Analysis and Evaluation on Maritime Security Research in South Korea

•[Yoon, Suk-Joon] Issues and Trends of Regional Maritime Security Studies in 2013

•[YANG, Hee Cheol] Marine Policy Research and their Trend in China: current Status, developmetal Trend

•[PARK Chan-Gun] An Analysis of Japan's Domestic Research Trend toward the Reconstruction of Ocean Governance: Focusing on the Literature Review about Law of the Sea, Policy, Security, Resourches and Environmental Sector of 2013-2014



[Yangho Rhee·Eunju Chi·Hyeok Yong Kwon] Political Institutions and Citizens Perceptions of Democracy in African New Democracies

[Lim Sunghack] Party-Government Governance and the Future of the Korean Democracy

[Jiyoung Kim] International Development Cooperation Regimes and Foreign Aid: A Case Study of South Korea

[Jong-Hee Hahn·Jinook Jeong·Hyewon Kim] The Competitive Effect of Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prices on Processed Food Products in Korea

[Chansoo Cho] Systemic Constrains, Social Purpose, and U.S. Foreign Economic Policy: An Eclectic Explanation of the Kennedy Round

[Kyungmee Park] Attitudes towards Immigration and Political Supports in Hungary

[Seokwoo Kim] A Study on Change in Korean National Power: Theoretical Discusstions and Empirical Data

[Jihwan Hwang] The Korean Unification and the Future of South Korea's Ground Troops

[Yul Min Park·Whasun Jho] Big Data Analysis on Media Partisanship and Reunification Discourse in South Korean Society

[Jinwoo Choi] European Union and the EU: Multiplicity of the Relationship and Strategic Choice for Korea


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